
Showing posts from September, 2019


 Heart  Heart main part of the blood circulation system. It is roughly conical in shape and located in the middle of the chest cavity. It is made up of thick cardiac muscles.  it is covered by a double-walled membranous sac called pericardium.  In this sac,  there is a liquid called pericardial fluid which protects the heart from shock. The human heart consists of four Chambers. The Upper to Chambers are auricles and lower two chambers are called ventricles. The Heart is divided into left and right part by spectrum. Two large veins called superior vena cava and inferior Vena cava opens to right auricle. A valve named tricuspid valve is present between the right auricle and right ventricle. It lets the blood flow from the right auricle to right ventricle but not in the opposite direction. Pulmonary artery originated from the right ventricle and growth towards the lungs. The pulmonic valve is present between the Pulmonary artery and right ventricle. ...


  Insecticide  The poisonous   substance which are used to kill harmful insect called insecticides. The insects harm the crops, domestic animal and human being. So they are killed by using insecticide. insecticide can be categorized into two ways: 1. Organic insecticides 2. Inorganic insecticides 1. Organic insecticides  Organic insecticide as the synthetic compound which is composed of carbon-hydrogen, Oxygen, and other elements. There are three types of organic insecticides.  They are: A. Chlorinated organic insecticide   These compound contain chlorine is an additional element.  These compounds are stable and have a long term effect. for example, aldrin, dieldrin B. Organophosphate insecticide:   The organic insecticide that contains Phosphorus as an additional element is called organophosphate insecticides.  This insecticide is less stable, degradable and highly toxic to other animals, for example malathio...


To input any number and display whether input number is positive negative or neutral CLS INPUT " enter any number"; n r = SGN(n) IF r = 1 THEN     PRINT "positive" ELSEIF r = -1 THEN     PRINT "egative" ELSE     PRINT "neutral" END IF END To check whether input number is perfectly divisible by 3 and 5 CLS INPUT "enter any number"; n r = n MOD 3 r1 = n MOD 5 IF r = 0 AND r1 = 0 THEN     PRINT "perfectly divisible" ELSE     PRINT "not perfectly divisible" END IF END To display the middle number among given three numbers CLS INPUT "enter any number"; a, b, c IF a > b AND a < c OR a < b AND a > c THEN m = a IF b > a AND b < c OR b < a AND b > c THEN m = b IF c > a AND c < b OR c < a AND c > b THEN m = c PRINT m END To display first 10 number with its square and cube CLS PRINT "number", "s...


SIX CAUSES OF FIRST WORLD WAR  1. Division of European powers into two hostile groups (groupism) : During the unification of Germany, Germany chancellor OTTO VON BISMARCK had annexed two important provinces of France called Alsace and Lorraine. France felt much humiliation for taking those territories by Germany. At the same time, Bismarck thought that France could attack Germany any time to return Alsace and Lorraine. So, to protect Germany from Franch attack Bismarck signed the treaty with Austria-Hungary and Italy which was called the Triple Alliance. When France came to know about the formation of this alliance, France also signed the treaty with Britain and Russia which was called the Triple Entente. Thus, European power was was divided into two hostile groups. There were suspicion, fear and political tension among the member of these rival alliance. Their activities spread jealousy and hatred against each other, which led to the outbreak of the first world war ...

डेंगू ज्वरो: लक्षण, रोकथाम र नियन्त्रण

डेंगू एक तीव्र लामखुट्टेले सार्ने वायरल बिरामी हो अचानक टाउको दुख्ने, ज्वरो, जोड़ दुख्ने, सूजन ग्रन्थी, र दाने को साथ सेट। ती मध्ये ज्वरो, टाउको दुख्ने र पुरानालाई सामूहिक रूपमा "डेंगू ट्रायड" भनिन्छ। डेंगू ज्वरो विभिन्न उष्णकटिबंधीय र उपोष्णकटिबंधीय क्षेत्रहरुमा स्थानीय छ। यसलाई ब्याकबोन ज्वरो वा डन्डी ज्वरो पनि भनिन्छ। भेक्टर रोग को causative एजेंट को प्रसारण को माध्यम हो। लामखुट्टेले डे infected्गु भाइरस संक्रमित व्यक्तिबाट स्वस्थ व्यक्तिमा बोक्छ। यस अवस्थामा, लामखानले भेक्टरको भूमिका खेल्छ। कारक एजेन्ट 'डेंगू भाइरस' सजिलै लामखुट्टेद्वारा प्रसारित हुन्छ। तसर्थ, डेंगूको प्रकोप प्राय: नेपालको तराई क्षेत्रमा प्राय: ग्रीष्म duringतुमा पाइन्छ। डेंगू ज्वरोको लक्षण उच्च ज्वरो सम्पूर्ण शरीरमा चकत्ते गम्भीर टाउको दुखाई जोड मांसपेशी दुख्ने थकित शरीर दुखाई बान्ता डेंगू ज्वरोको रोकथाम र नियन्त्रण लामखुट्टेको टोकाबाट सुरक्षित रहनुहोस् आवासीय क्षेत्रहरू नजिकको खाडल वा नहरहरूमा पानी सञ्चय गर्न नदिनुहोस् निदाएको बेलामा एउटा लामखुट्टेको जाल वा मच्छर...

What disappoints you the most about the gym you go to?

  What disappoints you the most about the gym you go to? Do you see the red lines? does one see the curve in my thigh within the picture on the right?? I’ve been once this rummage around for YEARS (as well as growing the glutes, however that’s another story). My natural legs ar skinny skinny skinny, and I’ve forever thought that thigh volume projected from a vista is extremely female and delightful. Let Pine Tree State 1st begin this story off by spoken communication that the notes in my gym’s suggestion box get browse often. terribly often. I once left a note asking if they'd get new bar pads since hip gesture five hundred lbs with a split bar pad is kind of painful (the bar falls all the way through the split mid-set, and OUCH). among two weeks the athletic facility had latest bar pads. I used to be rhapsodic. I left an enormous many thanks note within the box. I go to World category athletic facility in Principality of Monaco. once I tou...

विगतका अदूरदर्शी शासकका कारण देश शिक्षामा पछि पर्‍यो प्रधानमन्त्री

२२ भदौ, काठमाडौं । प्रधानमन्त्री केपी शर्मा ओलीले अदूरदर्शी शासकका कारण देशको शिक्षा पछि परेको बताएका छन् । ४० औं राष्ट्रिय शिक्षा दिवस तथा ५३ औं अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय साक्षरता दिवसका अवसरमा आइतबार एक शुभकामना सन्देश जारी गर्दै उनले वेदका ऋचा तथा औषधिहरूको आविष्कार सबैभन्दा पहिले नेपालमा भए पनि शासकको अदूरदर्शिताका कारण त्यसपछिका दिनमा शिक्षाले अपेक्षाकृत गति समाउन नसकेको दाबी गरे । ‘ज्ञानभूमिका रूपमा नेपाल जुन गतिमा अगाडि बढ्नु पर्दथ्यो, विगतका शासकहरूको अदूरदर्शिताले अपेक्षाकृत गति समाउन सकेन’, प्रधानमन्त्रीले आफ्नो सन्देशमा भनेका छन्, ‘तर अब नेपाल पछाडि परिरहन सक्दैन ।’ विकास र निर्माणका लागि अति आवश्यक नवप्रवर्द्धनात्मक सोचको आधारमा जीवनोपयोगी शिक्षाको विकास सरकारको प्राथमिकतामा परेकाले आगामी दिनमा नेपालको शैक्षिकस्तर माथि उठ्ने प्रधानमन्त्रीको विश्वास छ । वर्तमान शिक्षा प्रणाली अव्यवहारिक भएको भन्दै आलोचना भइरहेका बेला प्रधानमन्त्री ओलीले व्यवहारिक, प्राविधिक र रोजगारमूलक शिक्षामा जोड दिएका छन् । देशका शिक्षण संस्थाहरु बेरोजगार उत्पादन गर्ने कारखाना नभएर देशका लागि आवश्...




1. * Watch the lady carefully on the image at least 25 seconds with closing eyes.  Then look in the white image next to it. You will see the girl in the next white image.                                                                                                                                       2. *Watch the image for 15 seconds without closing the eyes. You will see the image is white.                                                                 ...


FUNCTION OF BLOOD COMPONENT  Lymphocyte : It kills the germs of the disease. Fibrinogen : It helps in blood clotting during injuries and wounds. Globulin : It increases immunity. Pericardial fluid : It protects the heart from external pressure and injuries. Right auricle : It collects impuries blood. Left auricle : It collects pure blood. Right ventricle : It sends impure blood to the lungs. Left ventricle : It transmit pure blood to all part of the body. Valve : It helps to flow the blood in the right direction. Tricuspid Valve : It transmits blood from the right auricle to right ventricle and stops the opposite flow of the blood Bicuspid Valve : It transmits blood from the left auricle to left ventricle and does not allow the opposite flow of the blood Pulmonic Valve : It sends blood from the right ventricle of the heart to pulmonary arteries. Aortic Valve : It sends blood from left ventricle of the heart to aorta Aorta : It transmits pure blood from the left v...


CAUSES, EFFECT AND CONTROL MEASURE OF AIR POLLUTION, WATER POLLUTION AND LAND POLLUTION Causes of air pollution * Excessive smoke from vehicle *Smoke and dusts from cities *Improper disposal of household wastages *harmful rays emitted from radioactive element *Gases from volcano, fire etc Effect of air pollution * Problem in vision * Greenhouse effect * Problem in growth of plants * Negative effect in human health * Destruction of ozone layer * Climate change * Acid rain * Deterioration of historical monuments Control measure of air pollution *Reduce population growth *Removing factories and industries from residential area and establishing them far from residential     area *Use of tall and managed chimney in factories and industries *Increase the use and development of alternative sources instead of fossil fuels *Decrease the production of air polluting gases *Conduct afforestation programs and conservation of trees  *Increase in pu...