
Showing posts from June, 2019

Cancer|Causes of cancer |Sign and symptoms of cancer |Prevention and control of cancer

Cancer is a condition of overproduction of cell in our body. It develops from a tumor. If the tumor is not treated in time, it develops into cancer. Cancer can spread from one part of the body to another part in the later stage. It is the Rapid formation of the abnormal cell which grows beyond their usual limit and occupies adjoining Parts of the body. Cancer occupies the biggest share among the disease-causing death that all over the world. People mostly died of blood cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer, and liver cancer. Cervical cancer and breast cancer are most prevalent among female whereas prostate cancer is more prevalent in males. Cancer can be treated in its initial stage. If it is not diagnosed and treated in time, it cannot be treated. Due to lack of knowledge, education, and health service center, more than 70% of Cancer that occur in underdeveloped and poor countries. it is estimated that the trend of Cancer death will go on increasing and reach 9 million and 11.4 millio...

पहिलो पटक, शासक पार्टीका विधायक ओली प्रशासनको विदेश नीतिको आलोचना गर्छन्

प्रधानमन्त्री केपी शर्मा ओली पछि दिन युरोपको एक हप्ता लामो भ्रमण पछि फर्किए, विधायक तथा विपक्षी पार्टीहरूले आफ्नो प्रशासनलाई विदेशी नीतिको हस्तक्षेपको आलोचना गरेका छन्। सभाको नियमित सत्रमा बोल्दै बजेटबारे छलफल गर्दा विदेशका सेवकाईमा आवंटित भए तापनि पार्टीका सम्पादकहरूले ओली प्रशासनको विदेश नीति आचरणको "स्वतन्त्रता र प्रभावकारी" प्रश्न गरे। "हामी गैर-पङ्क्तिबद्धताबारे कुरा गर्छौं, तर कहिलेकाँही हामी दक्षिण झुकाउँछौं र अन्य समयमा, हामी उत्तर झुकाउँछौं," एक वरिष्ठ शासक पार्टी नेता जननन शर्माले भने। "कहिलेकाहीँ, हामी पनि पश्चिम तिर हिँडिरहेका छौं। यसले हामीलाई अल-संरेखणको सिद्धान्तको रूपमा हाम्रो कूटनीति सञ्चालन गरिरहेको छैन भनेर देखाउँछ। " गृहमन्त्रीको शर्मा, युरोपेली भ्रमणको दौडान ओलीको कुनै पनि राज्यको साथ भेट्न ओलीको विफलतामा विदेश जाने नेपालका दूतावासहरूको भूमिकाबारे प्रश्न गरे। "हाम्रो मिशनहरू के गर्दैछन्? हाम्रा राजदूतहरू के गर्दैछन् र हाम्रो चार नयाँ राजदूतहरूले के गर्नेछन्? "शर्माले आफ्ना पात्रतालाई राजदूतको रूपमा नियुक्त गरेका थिए। सत्तारू...

बझाङमा जीप दुर्घटना : मृत्यु हुनेको संख्या १० पुग्यो,

बझाङ ।  बझाङमा जीप दुर्घटना परी मृत्यु हुनेको संख्या १० पुगेको छ । सदरमुकाम चैनपुर नजिकै रहेको डुङ्रीबाट मष्टा गाउँपालिका जाँदै गरेको से १ ज १०७२ नम्बरको जीप मष्टा गाँउपालीका वडा नम्बर १ डौठी भन्ने ठाँउमा दुर्घटना हुँदा १० जनाको घटना स्थलमा नै मृत्यु भएको हो । दुर्घटनामा परी ५ जना घाइते भएको प्रमुख जिल्ला अधिकारी सुरेश सुनार बताए । घाइते ३ जनाको अवस्था चिन्ताजनक रहेको र उनीहरुको उपचारका लागि 9 N AKD नम्बरको सीम्रीक एयर हेलिकोप्टर मार्फत नेपालगंज पठाइएको उनले बताए । घाइते अन्य २ जनाको जिल्ला अस्पताल सिमखेतका उपचार भैरहेको छ । दुर्घटनामा परी एकै गाउँका ७ जनाको मृत्यु भएको छ भने एकै परिवारका ३ जनाको मृत्यु भएको नेकपाका जिल्ला सदस्य तथा स्थानीय रामचन्द्र रोकायाले बताए । मष्टा गाँउपालिका वडा नम्बर १ कोटदेबलका ४० बर्षीय कलक खड्का, उनकी श्रीमती ४८ बर्षीया जुनधारा खड्का र उनका १२ बर्षीय छोरा सरोज खड्का रहेका छन् । यस्तै सोही गाँउका १९ बर्षीय हिक्मत खड्का, ५२ बर्षीया धौली देवि खड्काको समेत ज्यान गएको छ । यस्तै कोटदेबलकै १५ बर्षीया जुना खड्का, ८ बर्षीया विपना खड्काको समेत ज्यान गएको छ ...

Organ of United nations organization

Organ of United nations organization  A. General assembly     General assembly is the parliamentary organ of the united nations. All UN members are the members. Every member state can send up to five candidates to the assembly but have only one vote. Two-third majority is required to pass a resolution there. As the supreme organ of the united Nation , General Assembly has some very important power and functions. they includes the passing of budgets,discussing international issues and problem,amending the charter and electing the member of the Economic and social council as well as the secretary General . This organ also has a power to recommend the membership to a new country or withdrawal of the same. In this way, the general Assembly can be considered the most important organ of the United Nation.   B. security council   The security council  is considered the executive organ of the United Nations. It has altogether 15 members of which 5 are ...

Poem on friendship

Friendship  When I am lonely I feel sad by this tension I think I will be mad I thought that friend were nothing But today i realize that they are everything Sometimes when I am lonely I feel boar But,today i know that we need Friends more and more I feel my life is locked in prison  the breaking of friendship is only the reason today I sit and cry so,  I think it's better to die

State Archimedes' principle with diagram | deeps knowledges

                       Archimedes' Principle Archimedes' principles state's that when an object is immersed in a liquid partially or completely it looses the weight equal to the weight of displaced liquid or upthrust acting on it, i.e. loss of weight in liquid =weight of displaced liquid =up thrust take a stone and tie to the hook of spring balance and measure it weight in air. Suppose the weight of stone is W1 . Take an the overflow can filled with water up to it's spout. Place an empty beaker just under the spout of the can on the top of pan balance and note it's weight W2 . The stone is then immersed in the water of overflow can and measure it's weight in water. Suppose W3 .the water which is displaced by the stone is collected into the beaker . Suppose the weight of displaced liquid with beaker W4 . Now here, loss of weight in water= up thrust = W1-W3 Weight of...