Cancer|Causes of cancer |Sign and symptoms of cancer |Prevention and control of cancer
Cancer is a condition of overproduction of cell in our body. It develops from a tumor. If the tumor is not treated in time, it develops into cancer. Cancer can spread from one part of the body to another part in the later stage. It is the Rapid formation of the abnormal cell which grows beyond their usual limit and occupies adjoining Parts of the body. Cancer occupies the biggest share among the disease-causing death that all over the world. People mostly died of blood cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer, and liver cancer. Cervical cancer and breast cancer are most prevalent among female whereas prostate cancer is more prevalent in males. Cancer can be treated in its initial stage. If it is not diagnosed and treated in time, it cannot be treated. Due to lack of knowledge, education, and health service center, more than 70% of Cancer that occur in underdeveloped and poor countries. it is estimated that the trend of Cancer death will go on increasing and reach 9 million and 11.4 millio...